Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Create a simple Django web application 

Application includes a single textbox. When the user enters text, the application will calculate the number of characters and display the result on the same webpage.

Create a Django Project and App: 

First, create a new Django project and a new app within the project. 

Let’s call the app character_counter.

Create a View and Template:

In your, create a view that handles the form submission and calculates the character count.

Create an HTML template (index.html) to display the form and the result.

Define Your View and Template:


# character_counter/

from django.shortcuts import render

def character_count(request):

    if request.method == 'POST':

        user_text = request.POST.get('user_text', '')

        char_count = len(user_text)

        return render(request, 'character_counter/index.html', {'char_count': char_count})

    return render(request, 'character_counter/index.html')


<!-- character_counter/templates/character_counter/index.html -->

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <title>Character Counter</title>



    <h1>Character Counter</h1>

    <form method="post">

        {% csrf_token %}

        <input type="text" name="user_text" placeholder="Enter text">

        <input type="submit" value="Count Characters">


    {% if char_count %}

        <p>Character count: {{ char_count }}</p>

    {% endif %}



URL Configuration: Set up the URL pattern in your app’s


# character_counter/

from django.urls import path

from . import views

urlpatterns = [

    path('', views.character_count, name='character_count'),


Run the Development Server: Run python runserver to start the development server. 

Visit http://localhost:8000/ to see the character counter in action.

Create a Django Project On Mac or Linux

1. install python3 - download from python website 
2. install vertual env : 
sudo pip install virtualenv 
3. create a project directory : 
mkdir djproject 
4. create a virtual environment cd djproject virtualenv myvirtenv -p python3 
5. activate the virtual environment : source myvirtenv/bin/activate
6. install Django inside the virtual environment
 pip install Django (installs the latest version) 
7. start the project, creates the project files 
django-admin startproject djproject
8. start the webserver 
python runserver
9. Launch the webpage on thedefault port 
you should see django up an running!

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